Dated: 13.11.22
Eliza was bred by Wildblue immediately prior to the amalgamation of the Wildblue and Rudycats catteries, and as such the kitten was raised by the amalgamated catteries.

Wildblue conveniently “forgot” to tell Eliza’s new breeder owner that the kitten may be a PKDef carrier and instead celebrated the fact that she carries solid and dilute.

Eliza’s owner questioned how the extra tests were provided as they weren’t paid for by the owner. As we know now, some of these results may have been doctored.
Eliza very quickly became unwell and quite severely so.

Note: In the third screenshot, we see further confirmation of the amalgamation of the Wildblue and Rudycats catteries. Once more Joyce is mentioned, we first saw her mentioned in Wildblue: Two’s Company

On the same day, Rudycats weighs in to the mix, engaging in conversation with Eliza’s owner.

Rudycats promises to give Eliza’s owner a kitten and claims they “wouldn’t f**king lie to [Eliza’s owner]” and that they’re “too bloody honest”. This author would laugh at the sheer ludicrousness of this statement, were I not so appalled by the utter lack of accountability.
Rudycats then follows it up with an acknowledgement that Langford PDF results can indeed be faked (“doctor them”) but promises that these ones are not.
The following day, Eliza’s owner requests vaccination information from Wildblue.

Strange, is it not, that no vaccine sticker was added to either vaccine for the brother?
The conversation continues.

Eliza’s vet suggests chlamydia and Wildblue confirms that Rudycats has knowledge of the infection.
Wildblue then encourages Eliza’s owner to avoid testing it as vets only suggest the test to earn more money. Instead they recommend treating for it with doxy (which is doxycycline). This is a controlled veterinary medication whose use without veterinary supervision is illegal. Use of the human form on animals is also illegal. So this author questions, with tongue in cheek, where could this medication possibly have come from.
Wildblue pushes Eliza’s owner to call Rudycats prior to making a decision, but this author is not aware of Rudycats holding any veterinary degrees. Perhaps Wildblue meant to suggest Rachel Winterbottom.
Wildblue finally suggests that the test for chlamydia can provide false negatives. Chlamydia is a bacterial infection, therefore it is either present or it is not. There is little chance of a false negative.
The following day, Eliza’s owner shares to a group chat the state of Eliza’s poor eyes.

Wildblue’s concern can barely be heard beneath the suppressed snigger.

The rest of the group continue to support Eliza’s owner, Rudycats once more pushing famvir, the feline herpesvirus medication, whilst Wildblue remains quiet.
Sensibly, Eliza’s owner went ahead with the testing. Below is a section of the veterinary records.

We can see that Eliza’s owner took her to the vet quite rapidly, as they should, as we can note that the vet initially suggest chlamydia due to a lack of oral ulcers. Ulcers are normally present in feline herpesvirus and feline calicivirus.
External lab tests were requested and the results came back as positive for herpesvirus and mycoplasma. The latter is a bacterial infection that can be treated positively with doxycycline. There is no treatment for feline herpesvirus as it is viral, and cats will continue to shed this at stressful periods throughout their lifetimes.
Note: A reminder that Eliza was born immediately before the amalgamation of Wildblue and Rudycats catteries and was therefore raised in the midst of the amalgamation, raised at the Shavington residence.
Note: Rudycats was encouraging Eliza’s owner to use famvir when no confirmation of feline herpesvirus had been provided by Eliza’s vet. Once more Rudycats drops themselves in it, knowing that there was feline herpes present in their cattery.
Eliza’s owner got in touch with Wildblue with the results. Wildblue was less than sympathetic.

More recently, Eliza’s owner got in touch with Wildblue to discuss options for mating as the owner was understandably concerned.

There is rather a lot in this to unpack.
First, Wildblue claims that “most all cats in breeding catteries will carry viruses”. This is patently untrue, particularly in relation to feline herpesvirus. Responsible breeders will remove that line and test all other cats to ensure that no others are affected. They would not breed with a cat after testing positive for feline herpesvirus, much less a high viral load.
Then Wildblue suggests that the virus magically appeared when Eliza broke her paw. Certainly such an accident could cause a shed, but a broken limb does not create feline herpesvirus. It had to have come from somewhere. Wildblue refers to it as a “spell” of being unwell, brushing off the seriousness of the issue.
They go on to state that they wouldn’t think of her any differently than any other queen. This, dear reader, we can safely say is true as Wildblue sees no issue with breeding with cats that are symptomatically unwell.
Wildblue then suggests purchasing Eliza back, once more stating that they would never breed from an unwell cat and this illness was purely down to the stress of Eliza breaking her foot.
Eliza is still suffering from weepy eyes.

This author has confirmation that Eliza will be spayed and her owner will not be breeding from her.